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Episode Resources
Episode 28: The Anthrax Attacks
Episode 27: Larry Groves’ Case & Reddit Stories With Family
Today I am joined by my lovely family!
We first cover the case of Larry Groves, followed by our takes on some very interesting Reddit stories. I hope you all enjoy this chaotic episode, sending love to you all over this holiday weekend!
Episode 26: The Boy in The Box
In today's episode we cover a terribly sad case that is still unsolved to this day, join me as we discuss America's unknown child.
Episode 25: Bernie Tiede
A prominent and well liked member of the Carthage community befriends an unlikely individual. The two of them build this very intense friendship and companionship. Sadly, this relationship ends in a tragic way.
Join me today as we discuss this very interesting case..
A big thank you to my lovely momma for the case recommendation, I appreciate your support more than anything!
Episode 24: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Pt. 2
Today we discuss part two to Wednesday's case, The Lindbergh Kidnapping. We go in depth about the investigation behind this case and how it was solved. It just takes getting gas to get caught...
Episode 23: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Pt. 1
It is the year 1932: the Lindbergh family is doing very well for itself, with Charles Lindbergh's famous flight making them the center of attention. They find a secluded estate to try and live their lives in peace, when everything takes a turn for the worst.
Episode 22: Dayton Leroy Rogers
Women in Portland, Oregon during the 80s are being met with the terrifying fate of this disturbing man. Women just trying to make a living are being taken advantage of, the worst part of it all? It goes unnoticed for so long. That is until it all comes crashing down... Join me today as we discuss this terrifying serial killer.
Halloween Special Episode 8: Nell Cropsey
Nell was just at the start of her life when it was tragically stolen from her.
The real question is, who would've done this to Nell? A very well-known and well-loved individual. Immediately authorities eyes were set on her boyfriend, but did they possibly jump the gun and completely miss the real perpetrator?
Halloween Special Episode 7: The History Of Michael Myers & Freddy Krueger
Today we discuss two very well-known and well-loved horror characters, these two men are some of America's most iconic characters that truly just remind you of Halloween.
Halloween Special Episode 6: The Napa Halloween Murders
Today we discuss a brutal attack on two unsuspecting women.
It is Halloween night 2004, and the women had just spent the evening having fun passing out candy. How did the night take such a drastic turn for the worse, and why?
Halloween Special Episode 5: The Greenbriar Ghost
Today we discuss how a woman's need to receive the justice she deserved, allowed her to come back as a spirit and tell her story. This ghost testimony is a crucial piece in solving this case.
Episode 21: Ed Kemper Pt. 2
Today we discuss the second part of Sunday's case covering Ed Kemper, a heinous serial killer. In this second part I cover what happens after Ed confesses to the authorities...
Halloween Special Episode 4: Salem Witch Trials
Today we discuss the history of the Salem Witch Trials, could it have been just a mass case of hysteria, or were there really witches taking over the town?
Halloween Special Episode 3: Heaven’s Gate
In today's spooky week special we discuss a very very interesting religious movement, cult, or group of people? You be the judge. Today we discuss Heaven's Gate, a religious group led by two individuals that claimed to have been the 'two witnesses' from the Book of Revelations.
I reference a podcast in this episode that sparked my interest in this group, and you can find this on Apple Podcasts, it is called 'Heaven's Gate' and it is hosted by the Witness Doc channel!
Halloween Special Episode 2: Reddit Ghost Stories
Join me and husband Creighton today as I share some super spooky Reddit ghost stories! We laugh, we get spooked, and it's all so fun! Enjoy this casual ghost story moment.
Halloween Special Episode 1: Reddit Creepypastas
Today we start this spooky week off with some super scary, Creepypastas. Enjoy these crazy stories, and prepare yourself for the next 7 episodes of fun!