Episode 28!
Episode 28!
Episode 28: The Anthrax Attacks
Episode 27!
Episode 27!
Episode 27: Larry Groves’ Case & Reddit Stories With Family
Today I am joined by my lovely family!
We first cover the case of Larry Groves, followed by our takes on some very interesting Reddit stories. I hope you all enjoy this chaotic episode, sending love to you all over this holiday weekend!
Join me every Wednesday & Sunday!! xoxo!!
Episode 26!
Episode 26!
Episode 26: The Boy In The Box
In today's episode we cover a terribly sad case that is still unsolved to this day, join me as we discuss America's unknown child.
Join me every Wednesday & Sunday!! xoxo!!
Episode 25!
Episode 25!
Episode 25: Bernie Tiede
A prominent and well liked member of the Carthage community befriends an unlikely individual. The two of them build this very intense friendship and companionship. Sadly, this relationship ends in a tragic way.
Join me today as we discuss this very interesting case..
A big thank you to my lovely momma for the case recommendation, I appreciate your support more than anything!
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!! xoxo!!
Episode 24!
Episode 24!
Episode 24: The Lindbergh Kidnapping/ Pt. 2
Today we discuss part two to Wednesday's case, The Lindbergh Kidnapping. We go in depth about the investigation behind this case and how it was solved. It just takes getting gas to get caught...
Join me every Wednesday & Sunday!!! xoxo
Episode 23!
Episode 23!
Episode 23: The Lindbergh Kidnapping/ Pt. 1
It is the year 1932: the Lindbergh family is doing very well for itself, with Charles Lindbergh's famous flight making them the center of attention. They find a secluded estate to try and live their lives in peace, when everything takes a turn for the worst.
Join me Sunday for part 2 to this case! I love you all!!
Episode 22!
Episode 22!
Episode 22: Dayton Leroy Rogers
Women in Portland, Oregon during the 80s are being met with the terrifying fate of this disturbing man. Women just trying to make a living are being taken advantage of, the worst part of it all? It goes unnoticed for so long. That is until it all comes crashing down... Join me today as we discuss this terrifying serial killer.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!! xoxo!!
Halloween Special Ep. 8!
Halloween Special Ep. 8!
Halloween Special- Ep. 8: Nell Cropsey
Nell was just at the start of her life when it was tragically stolen from her.
The real question is, who would've done this to Nell? A very well-known and well-loved individual. Immediately authorities eyes were set on her boyfriend, but did they possibly jump the gun and completely miss the real perpetrator?
Thank you all SO MUCH for joining me for this spooky week, I truly had the BEST time and loved getting to share these stories with you all. We will be back to our regularly scheduled, strictly true crime on Wednesday. I love you all, have a WONDERFUL and SAFE Halloween! xoxo!
Halloween Special Ep. 7!
Halloween Special Ep. 7!
Halloween Special- Ep. 7: The History of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger
Today we discuss two very well-known and well-loved horror characters, these two men are some of America's most iconic characters that truly just remind you of Halloween.
Join me today as we discuss the history behind Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger.
Halloween Special Ep. 6!
Halloween Special Ep. 6!
Halloween Special- Ep. 6: The Napa Halloween Murders
Today we discuss a brutal attack on two unsuspecting women.
It is Halloween night 2004, and the women had just spent the evening having fun passing out candy. How did the night take such a drastic turn for the worse, and why?
I can't wait to see you for tomorrow's spooky episode!
Halloween Special Ep. 5!
Halloween Special Ep. 5!
Halloween Special- Ep. 5: The Greenbriar Ghost
Today we discuss how a woman's need to receive the justice she deserved, allowed her to come back as a spirit and tell her story. This ghost testimony is a crucial piece in solving this case.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow for another spooky episode!
Episode 21!
Episode 21!
Episode 21: Ed Kemper/ Pt. 2
Today we discuss the second part of Sunday's case covering Ed Kemper, a heinous serial killer. In this second part I cover what happens after Ed confesses to the authorities...
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!!
Halloween Special Ep. 4!
Halloween Special Ep. 4!
Halloween Special- Episode 4: Salem Witch Trials
Today we discuss the history of the Salem Witch Trials, could it have been just a mass case of hysteria, or were there really witches taking over the town?
I can't wait to see you tomorrow for another spooky episode!
Halloween Special Ep. 3!
Halloween Special Ep. 3!
Halloween Special- Episode 3: Heaven’s Gate
In today's spooky week special we discuss a very very interesting religious movement, cult, or group of people? You be the judge. Today we discuss Heaven's Gate, a religious group led by two individuals that claimed to have been the 'two witnesses' from the Book of Revelations.
I reference a podcast in this episode that sparked my interest in this group, and you can find this on Apple Podcasts, it is called 'Heaven's Gate' and it is hosted by the Witness Doc channel!
I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! xoxo!
Halloween Special Ep. 2!
Halloween Special Ep. 2!
Halloween Special- Episode 2: Reddit Ghost Stories
Join me and husband Creighton today as I share some super spooky Reddit ghost stories! We laugh, we get spooked, and it's all so fun! Enjoy this casual ghost story moment.
See you tomorrow for more spooky content! xoxo!
Halloween Special Ep. 1!
Halloween Special Ep. 1!
Halloween Special- Episode 1: Reddit Creepypastas
Today we start this spooky week off with some super scary, Creepypastas. Enjoy these crazy stories, and prepare yourself for the next 7 episodes of fun!
I love you all and CANNOT wait to see you tomorrow!
Episode 20!
Episode 20!
Episode 20: Ed Kemper/ Pt. 1
We made it to 20 episodes!! Eek!!
Today we discuss one of the most disturbing serial killers, who terrorized the women of Santa Cruz in the early 70s. Hitchhiking would slowly begin to come to a stop because of this man, you didn't know who you should trust, and you never knew if you'd make it alive to your destination.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!!
Episode 19!
Episode 19!
Episode 19: Ashley Freeman & Lauria Bible
Two best friends are celebrating a sweet 16 when everything goes awry. A small crucial piece of evidence was brought to light and ignored back when the case originated, and 18 years later it would be the piece that was needed to solve the puzzle. Join me today as we discuss this very bizarre case.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!! xoxo!!
Episode 18!
Episode 18!
Episode 18: Mia Zapata
An amazingly talented punk rock star who was just on the precipice of greatness is ripped away from this world in a horrible, senseless act. Join me today as we discuss this phenomenal artist and how her, and her case affected the punk rock scene of Seattle.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!!
Episode 17!
Episode 17!
Episode 17: Lyda Southard
Lyda Southard was a professional widower who terrorized men in the early 1900s. She is likely to be the first recorded female serial killer... Join me today as we discuss this very short, but very interesting case and woman.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday! xoxo
Episode 16!
Episode 16!
Episode 16: Kelsey Berreth
Kelsey was a fun and loving mother, pilot, and flight instructor. She moves to Colorado for the man of her dreams... when everything goes horribly wrong. Join me today, as we discuss this heartbreaking case where a love triangle ruins the lives of so many.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday! xoxo!
Episode 15!
Episode 15!
Episode 15: Teresa Butz & Jennifer Hopper
This amazing couple is just at the start of their life together, planning their future and planning a family, when everything comes to a screeching halt. Could this have been stopped if the system would've gotten the perpetrator help long before this? You be the judge. Join me today as we discuss this terrible act.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday, xoxo!
Episode 14!
Episode 14!
Episode 14: Bill Coulthard
It's a scorching summer day in Las Vegas, the early 70s. A sudden explosion shakes the city to its core. A well known businessman and prior FBI agent is suddenly killed, but why?
This is the case of Bill Coulthard.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday! xoxo!
Episode 13!
Episode 13!
Episode 13: West Memphis Three/ Pt. 2
In today's episode we discuss part 2 to the West Memphis Three case, and we may even discuss some wrongful convictions... Join me today as we bring this case further and find out where it is at today.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday! Thank you for being here! xoxo
Episode 12!
Episode 12!
Episode 12: West Memphis Three/ Pt.1
West Memphis is right in the Bible Belt of the United States; are the individuals who live there and don't necessarily fit the social norm responsible for the terrifying deaths of three young boys? Is it a satanic ritual, or a cult? Or, were the West Memphis investigators going in the wrong direction entirely?
Join me today as we cover a crazy case, and possibly some corruption in the system.
Stay tuned for part 2 on Wednesday.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday for a new case! Thank you all for being here! xoxo
Episode 11!
Episode 11!
Episode 11: Wanda June Anderson, Reba Kay Green & Kathy Jones
Nashville was under a reign of terror in the late 60s, this unknown individual ruined the lives of many and brought a great amount of fear with him. Join me today as we discuss three cases that may have been tied to an early serial killer in Nashville.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday for a new case!
Episode 10!
Episode 10!
Episode 10: Jeffrey Mailhot
Jeffrey Mailhot is an unexpecting killer, he's just your average middle aged man who's quiet and reserved. Little did the women of Woonsocket know, that quiet man was hiding a terrifying secret about himself. Join me today as we discuss this heinous serial killer.
It's Episode 10!! Whoop whoop!!
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday for a new case! I love and appreciate you all for being here!
Episode 9!
Episode 9!
Episode 9: David Grubbs
David Grubbs finishes up an evening shift that he is used to working, and begins walking home where he is met with a terrifying fate. Join me today as we discuss this heinous crime that will leave you wondering, "What happened to David Grubbs?"
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday for new cases! XOXO!
Episode 8!
Episode 8!
Episode 8: Anita Knutson
Anita was just starting her college career when her life is tragically taken from her; it seemed pretty cut and dry, but it would inevitably take 15 years to solve her case. This is the case of Anita Knutson.
Join me AND my amazing guest star Creighton, my husband, as we discuss this case!
New episodes every Wednesday AND Sunday! xoxo!
Episode 7!
Episode 7!
Episode 7: The Railroad Killer
Small railroad towns across the United States are in sheer terror because of the wrath this man is causing, who will be his next victim? Could you be next? It takes persuasion, but he finally surrenders himself. Join me today as we discuss a heinous serial killer who reigned terror in the 90s.
Join me every Wednesday & Sunday for new cases! xoxo!
Episode 6!
Episode 6!
Episode 6: Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown was a fun and loving 18 year old from Canadian, Texas. He was having the best senior year imaginable, when everything came to a screeching halt. Thomas Brown goes missing. Is it corruption that ruined his case, or just sheer lack of evidence? You be the judge.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday for new cases! I love you all!
Episode 5!
Episode 5!
Episode 5: Stephan Mitchell Adams
Stephan Mitchell Adams was a very loved 26 year old who was just starting to get his life back, when he simply disappears. Join me today as we discuss a very odd case, with some extremely strange circumstances.
Q & A with your host Gracen Decker and her lovely husband Creighton for a little added fun!
Join me weekly on Wednesday AND Sunday for a new case!
Episode 4!
Episode 4!
Episode 4: Randy Steven Kraft/ The Scorecard Killer
Southern California in the 70s & 80s was a terrifying place for men specifically because of the absolute terror Randy Kraft caused. Join me today as we discuss one of the most heinous and disturbing serial killers out there.
Join me every Wednesday AND Sunday!
Episode 3!
Episode 3!
Episode 3: Lizzi Marriott
When 19 year old Lizzi Marriott begins her sophomore year of college at the University of New Hampshire, things begin going great. But then something terrible happens to her, she goes missing and her body has yet to be recovered. This is the case of Lizzi Marriott.
Join me every Wednesday for a new case!
Episode 2!
Episode 2!
Episode 2: Monique Christine Daniels & Tamara Lee Tigard
Join me and my special guest, Creighton, my husband while we cover two coldcases that originate in Oklahoma! Monique Christine Daniels has a haunting family history that could've played a major role in her disappearance. Tamara Lee Tigard went unidentified for over 40 years and her case still remains a mystery.
New cases every Wednesday!
Episode 1!
Episode 1!
Episode 1: Paul Howell & The Wrongful Conviction of Julius Jones
Meet your awesome host!
Edmond, Oklahoma 1999. A well known businessman is murdered, Edmond police do anything they can to convict his killer, no matter who it may effect. This case has many issues with it, but the main issue is a wrongful conviction.
Join me weekly on Wednesdays where we will discuss a new case!